Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 300

(Technically: 446)

Working on the new edit for NYZ with some temp music. 300 days and still working on it.

Met with Yemane briefly and we're going to sit down and go through it once more in December.

Hope you had a Happy Turkey Day and Shopping Day After.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 285

(Technically: 431)

88 Days ago I was in Seattle, where I screened Kiss Me, I'm English and a rough cut of NYZ to a bunch of video students at Ballard High School, where we discussed them and talked about how I can change my latest cut to make it better. It's come a long way since then.

But also while I was there, so was Gary Davis, who runs the local Artscacpe feature on KPLU and he was doing a piece about Ballard filmmakers, capturing our post-screening discussion and critique of my film and even interviews with current BHS students in an article called "Following Aristotle: Ballard High's Filmmakers."

Listen to the audio highlights and read the full article on the KPLU Artscape website!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 277

(Technically: 423)

Work has been put on hold momentarily while I've been freelancing and looking for jobs. Also looking for a composer for a Harry Nilsson-type song.

Like this.

In other news:

Last night at the New Visions and Voices Film Festival, Zachary Poots received an award for Production Design on Kiss Me, I'm English!

Congratulations, Zach!

Check out a short preview of Kiss Me, I'm English on Vimeo!
(WARNING: This clip contains ONLY strong language.)