(Technically: 908)
Yesterday I was at Tisch working on the final sound 5.1 mix for "NYZ" when I ran into Chris Hoffman, Tristan Nash (fellow students), and our professor Yemane. It was great to see them again and catch up, and they even came up to listen to the mix and give me some feedback (though not literal feedback, because that would be detrimental to the mix). I am pleased to say that their reactions were very, very positive.
Currently, I am bouncing out the 5.1 files and gearing up for the deadline this Thursday to turn in all the materials for the First Run Film Festival, where "NYZ" will have its world premiere on Saturday March 24th at 4:30pm.
Also, Tristan's film from our class, "No Wing High," will be screening at First Run as well. as well as a few other of my fellow classmates.