Day 67
Of our NYZ 28 Days Countdown. ...Why does the day exceed the aforementioned 28 days?
Well, good question, I would say to you, hypothetical inquisitor. We were originally going to start shooting during the last weekend of February, ending on the 28th day of the month, hence the 28-day countdown (and no other lawyers have advised to officially state that I have never heard of any film or film franchise that revolves around 28 days or something like that).
However, due to circumstances beyond my control--namely, a goddamned blizzard--we were forced to reschedule for April, mere weeks before graduation. A bold move, some may say. Others may say it a ridiculous one, placing our six-day shoot of epic epicness (also my lawyers have advised me to state that I have never heard that saying before) right before final exams and such. Pf-shah!
And now, a bit of Zombie News: